
The Economic Impact of Mental Illness: Absenteeism & Presenteeism

By: Starling Minds

Last updated: February 4, 2021

Over the last decade, we’ve seen mental health awareness campaigns grown in pockets of urban areas to reduce stigma and advocate that people seek the help they need. In certain geographic areas and industries, we’ve seen a growing openness to talk about mental health. In others, the impact has remained stagnant.

Today we know that 1 in 5 adults in the U.S. and Canada will struggle with their mental health. That’s over 49 million people in North America who will report symptoms of anxiety, depression, insomnia, substance abuse, and/or suicidal ideation this year. Since the mid-2000’s researchers and think-tanks began studying and validating the economic impact of the global mental health epidemic.

Download this eBook to learn:

  • The Leading Cause of Absenteeism & Presenteeism
  • The Cost of Absenteeism & Presenteeism Due to Depression
  • What Increasing Work Stress & The Overwhelmed Employee Look like
  • How CBT & Mental Fitness Reduces Absenteeism & Presenteeism

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Starling Minds

Starling Minds™ is a digital mental health platform that reduces absence and disability costs by delivering immediate, unlimited, and personalized online Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT). Developed by leading psychologists, Starling’s digital therapy is powered by an expert system that emulates the processes and practices of human-guided therapy to remove the greatest barriers preventing employees from accessing affordable and effective mental health care—cost, access, and stigma.

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