Digital Therapy

Forbes Feature: Apps for Teachers and Their Students

By: Starling Minds

Published | Oct 31, 2019

In a Forbes article, our report “The State of Mental Health in U.S. Educators” was featured to showcase the critical mental health crisis facing both teachers and educators.

In our research conducted, we found that 1.86 million educators across the States described their mental health as “not good” and 61% reported they were always or often deal with high-stress over a 30-day period.

Today, organizations are looking to innovative meditation and online CBT platforms to solve their greatest workplace mental health challenges. At Starling, we specialize in supporting educators to manage their stress, anxiety, and depression. Within our platform is a confidential online community to help educators talk about their struggles without judgement and in the comfort of their home.

According to our data, the most common struggles teachers face are:

  • Student behavioral issues and violence
  • Complicated classroom composition with multiple individualized learning plans
  • Declining classroom resources
  • Increasing demands from parents and administrators
  • Growing job insecurity due to budget cutting

A Platform For Teachers and Students

Starling Minds’ platform has programs personalized for educators and families. Whether they are looking to build a more resilient mind, are at-work and struggling, or are currently on stress leave, Starling Minds is here.

We have two programs available to reduce mental illness symptoms:

  • Starling Return-To-Health Program supports an educator’s rehabilitation and reduces anxiety when they are confident to return.
  • Starling Mental Fitness Program is designed for educators who are looking to build resilience to stress, anxiety, and depression to better manage growing stressors in the profession.

If you’d like to learn why Starling Minds is being used by some of the largest education organizations in North America, please feel free to connect with us at


Shulman, R. Oct 2019. The Number 1 Meditation App is Now Free For Teachers and Students. Forbes. DOI: Feb 25, 2019 Retrieved from:

Starling Minds

Starling Minds™ is a digital mental health platform that reduces absence and disability costs by delivering immediate, unlimited, and personalized online Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT). Developed by leading psychologists, Starling’s digital therapy is powered by an expert system that emulates the processes and practices of human-guided therapy to remove the greatest barriers preventing employees from accessing affordable and effective mental health care—cost, access, and stigma.

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